by Trish Springsteen | Jun 16, 2010 | Business, Communication, Public Speaking, Women in Business
Which is a cue for everyone who expected the Jane Austen Classic to leave … No, no; – come back, it’s still interesting – honest.We live in a world in which we are bombarded by persuasive messages; we can find them on the side of buses, and on...
by Trish Springsteen | Jun 14, 2010 | Public Speaking
Zeal is the attitude you will have when you next do any public speaking or presentations, after following the A-Z of public speaking and putting into practice the tips and techniques we have provided in our journey through the public speaking alphabet.Take the time to...
by Trish Springsteen | Jun 6, 2010 | Communication, Public Speaking
Yes! I know, but try as I might I cannot find a way to link Xylophone with Public Speaking.But ‘eXcitement’ – well that is another matter; without creating excitement in our audience we are going to miss that emotional connection which is so important in persuading...
by Trish Springsteen | Jun 2, 2010 | Communication, Public Speaking
Words are the building blocks of public speaking. They can inform, inspire, instruct, tantalise and confuse.We use words to construct our speeches and to create verbal pictures to sell our messages. They are our connection to the audience.When we choose the right word...
by Trish Springsteen | May 30, 2010 | Communication, Public Speaking
Except at a Karaoke night, I doubt if many of us give our voice much thought. We just accept it; it’s who we are; it’s what identifies us on the telephone and it’s what makes us enjoy or loathe Karaoke!But our voice is the basis for our audible communication process,...