Workshops & Training

Seeking Personal Communication and Executive Coaching?
Work with Trish for effective communication coaching for your special presentation, creating personal change and building confidence and self-belief.
Personalised coaching for Presentations and Special Speeches. Your coaching sessions are always structured for your individual needs.
Specialised Interview Coaching. Personalised coaching for Jobs, Viva Voces, Defence and Police Entrance Interviews. Your coaching sessions are always structured for your individual needs.
Workshops & Training
Have a conversation with Trish to see which Coaching Package suits your needs:
One Day Intensive – spend one day with Trish to focus on your presentation, your speaking, where you can Get Known Be Seen. We focus on what you need to increase your business, connect with clients, move forward on your speaking skills, overcome your mindset and limiting beliefs to step up and shine.
One Month Coaching Package – improve your ability to communicate effectively, to articulate your ideas and opinions, whether individually, in small or large groups, personally or electronically, in networking or in formal presentations Trish will give you the skills and confidence to excel.
This Coaching Package is ideal for those who are facing an important presentation; or for people needing improved communication skills urgently and do not have the time to attend one of the regular workshops or Mentoring Packages.
If you have just been asked to present a key note speech, deliver an information presentation, do some videos, webinars or online training or even a workshop session you could benefit from the advice and assistance of our experienced communication coach.
Finally – facing a media interview? A Trischel coach will help you structure your message, answer difficult questions and appear confident.
Coaching can be done in person or via Zoom. Trish works with Local, Regional, National and Global clients.
There are a number of 2 to 4 hour presentations which can be delivered as part of your training day, your seminars or your company meetings.
I Can Also Speak at Your Events
A speaker can make or break your event. With Trish Springsteen we guarantee that you will be…inspired, motivated, enlightened and entertained.
“Last Saturday, I went to an absolutely mind-blowing, life-changing seminar called “Get Known Be Seen: How to Write Your Book and Leverage It.” It was organised by Trish Springsteen from Trischel, and Deborah Fay from MJL publications.
I was so inspired listening to the stories of women who had successfully published their books with the help of Trish and Deb. These were women choosing not to live a small life, but to get off the treadmill, and create a life fulfilling their wildest dreams, being of service, and sharing their wisdom with others. I must say, I wanted what they were having!
So, this morning I woke up and thought. Today is the day to begin. “
“What if you were given the opportunity to make a powerful introduction next time you attended a network event? What if that opportunity was presented to you by an award winning speaker, writer, author and mentor?
“Powerful Network Meeting Introductions” workshop was presented to us by Trish Springsteen, who has recently won a Gold Award for Woman of the Year Mentor/Coach and a Bronze Award for Female Entrepreneur of the Year in the Women in Business and Professional World Award. As participants,Trish was able to to share with us a way to help our businesses grow at networking events.
Wow what a difference a day makes! Trish was extremely supportive and honest with us and magically drew out our inner selves so we could fearlessly speak like we had not done so before.”
“Found most valuable the structure and how to. Love now know how to actually form up and deliver a speech. The workshop was absolutely fabulous, so easy to understand. After attending the course with Trish today I would definitely recommend to others to do this. I have gained so much information on a personal and professional level.” Quick Start Public Speaking Workshop – One Day
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