by Trish Springsteen | May 6, 2011 | Communication, Public Speaking
If you went into any household store you would find a host of organisers…. kitchen organisers; special drawers to organise your cutlery; there are hoards of containers which only have two purposes in life, and that is to organise your cupboards and...
by Trish Springsteen | Mar 14, 2011 | Communication, Job Interviews, Personal Development
The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes. ~William JamesWhen we need a job, we can look on the job interview with an attitude bordering on terror! But if we take positive steps to Organise...
by Trish Springsteen | Feb 24, 2010 | Business, Communication, Leadership, Public Speaking, Women in Business
From my perspective the underlying issue that never changes and links both leaders and managers is communication. Regardless of how you define a leader or how you define a manager the basic issue is how they communicate between each other, to superiors and to staff....
by Trish Springsteen | Jan 28, 2010 | Business, Communication, Public Speaking
We are all familiar with setting goals; about knowing where we want to go and working out how to get there. People, we are told repeatedly, who fail to plan are simply planning to fail.Well, the same thing goes with our presentations. It is surprising how many people...