by Trish Springsteen | May 15, 2011 | Communication, Personal Development, Public Speaking, Women in Business
“And now I’d like to move onto the expected financial expenditure for the next three months. Balanced against the improved performance in sales, demonstrated state wide, and the percentage increase on returns on investment …..”Ah! Financial reports; don’t...
by Trish Springsteen | Mar 7, 2010 | Communication, Leadership, Public Speaking
I had my feathers slightly ruffled over the weekend – I found myself passionately defending a point of view to a sceptical disbeliever only to be told“The object of oratory alone is not truth, but persuasion!” Thomas Babington Macaulay, Essay on Athenian OratorsAs I...
by Trish Springsteen | Oct 18, 2009 | Communication, Personal Development, Public Speaking
…All shiny and new and wide awake!Isn’t language wonderful? Who hasn’t sat and listened as a consummate storyteller wove mental pictures for us with wonderful words?Have you ever wondered why language evolved the way it did – after all we are told that “a...