Stress – Who is in control?

Life has been so hectic lately that it wasn’t until I was looking at my diary planning out the next week that I suddenly realised that Christmas has snuck up on me without my realising it. Only 9 days to go and my stress level suddenly increased – why?...

Help Wanted……..

I’m looking for assistance; information or some personal coping strategies that work for you – mine seem unsuccessful at the moment!I used to have a sign in my army office that tersely told everyoneWhich sums up my philosophy somewhat – Take a positive...

De-Stressing Distress

I woke up this morning feeling a little jaded and faced the day’s work with less than my usual enthusiasm. This was more than a case of ‘Mondayitis’ – it was more like a general sense of exhaustion.I suppose that I am lucky in that I have caring friends and family who...

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