It is a fact of life that most companies still use the interview to select candidates to fill vacancies. Interviews are regularly conducted to assess performance or to judge promotion prospects.

For some people having to face an interview is agony; it can be quite terrifying to realise that our lives can be changed for better or worse just by the way in which we handle ourselves at these interviews.

Learning to handle ourselves confidently at the interview is a basic skill that everyone needs. There is no use in being the best qualified or the most experienced if every time we go for an interview we fall apart.

Interviews need to be planned for. No! It is not enough that you arrive at the right place at the right time and hope you can wing it. It is a guaranteed result that your face and application will dissolve into a mist and when considering the best choice for the position you will be so out of focus to be invisible to them.

So it’s up to us to plan and prepare for our interview, to ensure that our aptitudes, abilities and qualifications are put forward in the best possible way to be noted; that we train ourselves to be positive in our body language and our communication skills.

So here’s quick check list of what to do before the interview.

  • Know your resume thoroughly – be armed with facts and figures and be confident that you are the perfect person for this job.
  • Ensure that you have all your documentation easily accessible – be sure to produce them as supporting information at the appropriate time. Make sure that you pass over copies; never give out the original.
  • Know the company and know the job – You do not have to be an expert but some knowledge of the company you plan to work for is expected. Highlight what aspect of your knowledge, experience and personal ability will benefit this company.
  • Anticipate the answers – prepare for the expected questions and learn a ‘question answering technique’ to enable you to handle the unexpected ones. Listen carefully, pause to think, then impress with the answer.
  • Be ready with some intelligent questions about the company and the job – don’t focus entirely on the monetary rewards; ask about training for further qualifications, or other questions that indicate your motivation and enthusiasm for the job and your intention for a future with the company.

Are you confident that you could handle yourself at the interview in such a way that you become an outstanding candidate for the vacancy? 

Learn more about how to maximise your chance for success. Discover an easy and effective way to handle all sorts of questions competently; and find out how to make nervous energy work for you. 

In fact, check out what is on offer at one of Trischel’s Interview Skills Workshop” right now and put yourself in the focus for that perfect job.  You can book straight from the page – now how convenient is that!

Michele@ Trischel

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