How do you handle questions after your presentation? Do you get a little flustered? Not sure how to admit you just don’t know the answer?

Here are some tips to help.

1. If you don’t know the answer to the question be honest and admit it. There are many good reasons to do this.

· You will be seen as being honest, and honesty builds credibility.
· It will build rapport with your audience
· If you get it wrong – you are likely to be corrected publicly.

If it is something that you can check and get back to the questioner, then say so and do it. If you fail to get back to them your credibility will suffer.

2, Where appropriate engage the audience. Turn the question back to the audience and ask for ideas and opinions on the question. Don’t forget to summarise the responses at the end and ask the questioner if his question was answered.

3. If you are presenting a specifically technical subject and you are not an expert in the field, then it may be useful to take an expert along with you. Even if they are not involved in the presentation they will be invaluable during questions. This takes the pressure off you as the presenter.

Question and Answer sessions are an excellent way to clear up misconceptions or to clarify points of your presentation. Which means that you should prepare not only the main speech, but also the answers to obvious questions you may be asked. If you do this carefully you should not have a problem handling this part of the task. But if you do get one that you didn’t expect then remember Trischel Tips.

What to know more about giving presentations? Then logon to our website at and check out our personal communication coaching programme.

Michele @ Trischel

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