The end of 2009 is close and it is that time where we look at our goals and aims for the New Year 2010.

Before doing so, we should take time to reflect on the past year. How can you possibly set goals for the New Year if you have not looked at what you achieved in the past? You need to define your starting point to successfully plan where you want t o be.

So it’s declutter time! Take time to look at what you have gained, achieved, and accumulated in the past year; not only for your business and personal goals but also in you physical environment.

Take a deep breath roll up your sleeves and have an objective look at what is around you. If you are like me your office space could look a bit like a bombshell has hit – paper everywhere. I very rarely throw things out and over the year there has been accumulation. Now is a good time to look at what is around you – sort it out – what needs to be kept, what can be archived, what can be disposed of. Give yourself a fresh space to start the year. If you can’t find time or the impetus to do it yourself enlist the help of friends or a professional declutterer. It is a good feeling when you find all that clear space – wow just think what you can fill it with in 2010. You can extend this through out your house – it leaves you with a wonderful fresh start for the New Year. Encourage your family to participate.

Having looked at the physical environment the next step is to look at what you have achieved during the year. Re-look at your goals – which ones did you achieve, which were partially achieved and which are still be achieved. Give yourself a pat on the back for the successful goals and take a minute to savour your successes. You should always acknowledge what has worked for you. Too often we focus on the failures rather than the successes. Give yourself bragging rights, we in Australia often downplay our achievements.

Next look at what was not quite so successful. Assess whether you had set the goal too high, was the goal defined correctly, had you reassessed and reset your goals during the year or had they been put to one side and just forgotten.

Now that you have reviewed your year – you can make some decisions on where you want to go next year. You can tweak the goals that had partial success. Rewrite them and plan to complete them for the next year. For those that did not go anywhere – are they really appropriate, are they going to advance your personal or career development. Do they still apply – maybe your direction has changed. Throw them out if they do not meet your new criteria. Don’t hang on to old thoughts and plans if they are no longer appropriate to your current stage in business, career or personal development.

Now that you have decluttered your physical environment and thoughts, reviewed your goals and plans for career and personal success, you can start planning for 2010.

Yes now is the time to throw out the old and bring in the new. Now is the time to declutter.

Have a great 2010, I am off to revisit my plans and progress the decluttering of my office space. And, contrary to the many chuckles and howls of derision from the Trischel Staff, I have actually managed to throw something out. After all you have to start somewhere.

May 2010 bring you all the success and happiness that you deserve!

Trish @ Trischel

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