Many people believe that speaking skills are inborn. It is a myth – everybody can learn to speak. Yes there are many who appear to have a natural style – they may appear to have a bit more charisma or confidence. However, you will find that they have spent years polishing and honing their skills.


We all are good at some aspect of public speaking. You may be good at storytelling, you may be really logical and able to structure a speech well, you may be a good listener, or you may have a pleasant voice.
The secret to being an effective public speaker is to know what you are doing well, understand what you could be doing more effectively and to polish and learn the skills that will enhance your personal development.


Everyone has strengths. Everyone can learn to speak. Do you want to? What are your strengths? What do you need to polish?
Trish Springsteen
Award Winning Public Speaking Mentor Coach Author
Trish typically works with published authors helping them to turn their books into keynote presentations and with introverts giving them the confidence to come out from behind their computers and share their message and passion.
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