You have written your book. It may have taken weeks, months perhaps even years and as you send it off to the publisher you breathe a great sigh of accomplishment. 

Then you get your book back it is in your hands or perhaps it’s a digital book and it is up launched on Amazon. You feel excitement and joy – you did it you shared your message, your passion, your expertise and knowledge. 

Time passes your book is on Amazon – not much happening with it. It may be sitting on your shelves or in boxes – still not much happening with it. What do you do? 

Does this situation resonate with you? 

It’s time to unlock your book and share it with your readers, share it with those who need to find you. Don’t keep it a secret – you need to shout it out that you are an author and you have a message. Make it easy for those looking for you, for those who need to hear your message, to find you. 

There are many ways to leverage writing your book that will help you Get Known Be Seen – that will help you share your book and who you are with those who are looking for you. 

Here are two quick and easy ways to get started with leveraging your book: 

Social media – Share your book information out to your community, in groups, on pages, post on Facebook and LinkedIn. It sounds overwhelming – I have had clients ask me where can I get the content for the posts, it’s too much to do. Take a breath and think – You have written fifteen thousand, twenty thousand or even more words! You have the posts you need right there in your book. Take a few sentences and do a post every week. Plan it out and set it up each month or even do a whole year of posts – you will have plenty to share. Team up some quotes from your book with images and post memes. You can also extract blogs, articles and ebooks from your book. Take a chapter change the title – tweak the content a little and then post as a free ebook as a teaser to showcase your book and your message. Think outside the square – repurpose and leverage. 

Video – There are many ways you can use video to share your book and your message.  One option that is quick and easy and even avoids you having to be in the video is Lumen5 an online software program. You simply copy and paste a few sentences or a paragraph from your book into the software. Lumen5 will add images and you can select music then it produces your video for you. You can have a video in as little as 5 minutes. You also have the option of uploading your own images. The video can then be downloaded, and then posted to Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram. Or even onto your website. 

If you have several books you could also use Animoto another online software program. Choose a free template and upload photos of your book covers, maybe even pictures from your book launch and any testimonials you have. You can add captions to each photo. Animoto will produce a quick video to show case you as an author. 

Pop over to to see a sample of the Trish Author video I did on Animoto. 

Let me know how you go – share your videos or posts in the comments. Have a great time leveraging writing your book. 

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Trish Springsteen

Get Known Be Seen Specialist, Personal Branding Strategist

Australia’s Leading Expert in Empowering Introverts

Multi International Award Winning Mentor

Speaker, Coach

International Award Winning Best Selling Author

Host Get Known Be Seen WebTV

I Believe in You until You Believe in Yourself

Clients work with Trish because they know she can help them have the confidence and self-belief to make speaking easy. Trish typically works with small business owners, introverts, authors and advocates helping them to promote their business to be visible. Stand out and make it easy for your clients to find you.

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Follow Trish on Get Known Be Seen WebTV  

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